Christine Keefe
Trainer / Assessor
Chris Keefe is our wealth of knowledge and experience. She’s our fabulous Trainer/Assessor and is backed by over 20 years in the Vocational Education field. Also having owned and operated her own business for 15 years, she’s the perfect fit for our EABS Family. We try not to hold it against her that the OH&S Unit is one of her faves, nor that she loves the nitty gritty that goes along with the RTO compliance side of our business. (Yawn!!). Despite this, we absolutely love her for her cool, calm demeanor, for keeping us on the straight and narrow and for her ability to have a good laugh with us (with the occasional G&T in hand). Instead of retiring gracefully and enjoying her grandchildren, kayaking, electric bike rides, line dancing and walks on the beach, Chris can’t seem to tear herself away from working with us for her passion in adult learning. True story! What an absolute legend.